Brands come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Literally.
They are equally distinct. And somewhere down the line, or at the beginning of it, decisions are made.
Conscious, subconscious, et cetera. Decisions are made.
Decisions that influence brand presence, behavior, and evolution.
Decisions acting as stimuli to the surrounding tangible and intangible assets.
And the audience perceives manifestations of brands differently. Uniquely, even.
Take Goorin Bros., for instance.
Here is an example of a brand that doesn’t waste opportunities.
Not at their stores, with their online presence, or their promotions. Not a single subject line wasted.
That weighs its messaging adequately and effectively.
That sells hats of all types, and yet offers much more.
Call it an interaction, a discourse, a conversation. A relationship based on dialogue.
Altogether engaging, almost as if they set out to highlight the humanity in places where it’s usually not found.
That says, “things don’t have to be a certain way.”
That gives you information as well as the space to digest it.
That celebrates individuality.
That’s remarkable.
It tells a story, because its approach and content is worthy of the time expected in exchange.
And because, now more than ever, it’s worth doing that, being deliberate about our time allocation in a fast-forward world.
It’s substance – and even if it’s not the right season for that trendy accessory – it’s generally always the time for substance.
Cheers, Goorin Bros. And please, keep ’em coming.