La Torre

La Torre is a boutique hotel located in the mountains of Madrid, Spain. It’s a high-end, sophisticated, and meticulously designed hotel. It required a visual identity that would reflect one particularly unique characteristic: providing guests the opportunity to live a story that lasts the duration of their stay. Thus, the establishment is ideal for a romantic getaway, a one-of-a-kind ceremony, an art exhibition, or a company in the market for an extraordinary corporate retreat. We started to build the identity with the most recognizable architectural element at the hotel: the old tower. This construction was conceptualized and transformed into various lines and points, resulting in an attractive and dynamic vector element. This image was then used as a supporting resource for the ‘short stories’ written with six, otherwise simple, words. La Torre’s identity generates intrigue while simultaneously showcasing the hotel’s endless possibilities for unforgettable experiences. 

Our Role Strategic Positioning, Visual Identity, Brand Implementation
Location Madrid
Year 2013

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